Magnetic fields are essential to life on Earth: we live in a natural magnetic field located between 32µT at the Equator and around 90µT at the North Pole. In France, our magnetic field is 47µT. Its action is essential to build the bone structure, cartilage and all organs or active systems in our body: digestive, neurological, vascular, immune systems, etc.
Another bio-magnetism we depend on is heat and light of the sun: these are natural and very high frequency electromagnetic fields. The heat of the sun is necessary to regulate the temperature of the Earth and its light, in addition to give us light, helps to produce vitamins that are essential for bone synthesis (vitamin D), to produce hormones and neurotransmitters.
Already at the beginning of the 20th century, researchers artificially reproduced these magnetic fields and showed that their action could have a positive effect on the body.
The attraction for this technology is therefore not new. What is new, however, is the total safety of the ZV2 equipment. In fact, ZV2 reproduces the natural Earth magnetic field. On the mat, the magnetic fields emitted range from 1% to 80% of the Earth's magnetic field. It doesn’t go further than what nature naturally offers, so there are no contraindications nor side effects!